First day of school 2001 -
Sam, Matt, Vincent and James

Samantha Kate and Matthew Luke Richardson were born in May 1996 after a seven year infertility rollercoaster. They were born at 28 weeks with Sam weighing 915gm (2lb) and Matt weighing 720gms (1lb 9ozs). They were released from hospital on their due date though Matt was readmitted three days later for a further two weeks with feeding problems.
Sam has had no problems related to her prematurity. She was crawling and sitting up by seven months and walked the week after her first birthday. She is a very shy little girl who loves gymnastics. At this early stage she is showing quite a talent for it and when she grows up she wants to do 'nastics at the 'lypics. Her other aim in life is to be a music box dancer.
Matt is a very outgoing little boy who loves everyone and who everyone loves. Because of a problem with his muscle tone, Matt didn't sit up until after he was one but he was walking by his second birthday. With his Occupational Therapist we are still working on getting him to crawl. Matt also sees a Speech Therapist and does daily physio. Like Sam, Matt enjoys gymnastics and is a very keen cricketer. Matt would like to be a fire engine when he grows up - yes, that is right, not a fire man but the engine. Having recently been on our first plane trip Matt is now considering being a pilot.
Sam and Matt commenced school this year at our local primary school and though Matt needs assistance with writing and fine motor schools, no-one would know what a rough start to life they had.

Vincent Casey Hardy was born early (26 weeks and 5 days) due to a bacterial infection. He weighed 1330gr (2lb 15oz) at birth. Vincent suffered a grade 4 intra-ventricular hemorrhage and was diagnosed with cerebral palsy at age 6 months.
Vincent was hospitalized with bronchiolitis during his first winter. His early development was delayed but he was sitting by his first birthday and walking by his second. Vincent has come a long way since then and a school entry psychology assessment describes him as a happy, friendly child with high level verbal and cognitive skills.
At age 6, Vincent is a strong and healthy child with some stiffness on the right side of his body. This summer (2001) he learned to swim and to ride his new two-wheeler. In January, Vincent had tendon lengthening surgery and in the photo is wearing an orthopedic plaster cast.
Vincent attends the local primary school with his sister Jessica. He likes dancing, Nintendo, anything to do with computers, reading Enid Blyton and playing with Bessie the dog. When he grows up, Vincent would like to have his own cooking show on TV.

James was born in June 1995 at 28 weeks, weighing 966gms (2lb, 2oz) due to severe Pre-Eclampsia/Eclampsia. He was released from hospital 2 days before his due date.
James was diagnosed with reflux a couple of days after getting home and since then has had no problems relating to his prematurity. He was sitting by 9 months, crawling by 12 months and he started walking when he was 16 months old.
James is a reasonably outgoing little boy to whom a stranger is only a friend he hasn't met yet. He loves playing with "his " computer, Nintendo, books and riding his bike. He has decided that he'd like to play basketball, cricket, football and baseball "...but not all at the same time ." James started school this year at his local primary school in a class with all of his pre-school friends and was described by his teacher after his first day as being "good value" and "not very shy". He enjoys school and especially likes learning words and playtime.
James is a hero. No one would know that he started life a tiny, fragile being - he constantly amazes his family with his zest for living and huge enjoyment of life.